
About the Project: Objectives: Identification and design of optimal routes Location: 3 Municipalities in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area Information: TomTom Historical Traffic Data for all roads in the Municipalities, with information on speed, time and sample broken down by hour and day of the week Socio-demographic information Points...

About the Project: Scope: Fleet Management Location: Lisbon Characteristics: Fleet Management Solution for 400 municipal vehicles, with installation of devices and implementation of Platform for monitoring, management, visualization and location of units in real time and access to reports and alerts for business support.  ...

About the Project: Scope: Aerophotogrammetric survey of Lisbon Airport esc 1/1000 and determination of aeronautical data Location: Lisbon Airport Characteristics: Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and High Resolution Surface (DSM).    ...

About the Project: Scope: Land Registry Location: Oliveira do Hospital and Seia Characteristics: 37 Parishes (16 + 21) / 67,021 hectares (23,452ha + 43,569ha) - Development of a management platform, collection and integration of all cadastral information; installation of service offices; production of support cartography; publicizing the operation;...

About the Project: Scope: Renewable energies and underground infrastructure Location: Oeiras Characteristics: Municipia has implemented the “Green Energy” platform, which municipalities are expected to be able to assess their solar potential and compare with their energy consumption, in order to establish more realistic and optimized goals and policies...