Our History

Reunião de Regularização de DUATS de Moçambique


Regularization of DUATS of Mozambique

We were the entity selected for the systematic registration and regularization of land in Nampula Province, Mozambique, with a target of 144,714 RDUATS. This initiative, launched by the Ministry of Lands and Rural Development, with funding from the World Bank, aims to identify, collect and register 5,000,000 DUAT plots, as well as the delimitation and certification of 4,000 local communities.


1st Full Photogrammetric Aerial Survey of Portugal at GSD 30 cm

As part of the project carried out for the Agriculture and Fisheries Financing Institute, Municípia flew with a partner over the total area of mainland Portugal, covering the territory with digital images at 30 cm resolution. This collection of images provided the country with the most detail coverage carried out to this day.


Execution of the Cabo Verde - São Vicente Cadaster

We were the entity selected by the Millennium Challenge Account - Cabo Verde to register the island of São Vicente. This project, successfully concluded in 2018, aimed at clarifying and regularising the rights and limits of property in this territory.


UE Geosmartcity

We have integrated the Geosmartcity European project together with 12 European entities from 9 different nations. In this period, we involved our most specialized means and human resources in the production of open-source tools and spatial-based studies in 2 key areas of management: energy efficiency (called in the project Green Energy) and underground infrastructure management (called in the project Underground Intelligence).

cadastro weGIS Timor


WebGIS cadastre solution for East-Timor

The skills acquired by Municípia in terms of application development on open source GIS platforms were capitalized on in East-Timor, with the development of the solution for the acquisition and management of cadastre in this territory.


Implementation of the Synergic Cadastre

We participated in the project that made possible the existence of a land registry in Portugal, as a comprehensive data set, characterizing and identifying the properties existing in the territory. We produced cadastre in the 37 civil parishes of the Municipalities of Oliveira do Hospital and Seia.


CeCANG Angola Project

We developed the CeCANG Angola platform, with the final objective of carrying out the Commercial Establishments Census. The collection, carried out in a mobile application developed by Municípia, allowed real-time mapping of the entire wholesale sector in that country.


First aerial survey in Morocco

We entered Moroccan airspace for the first time, acquiring aerial photography for hydrological, topographic, and cadastral studies.

Harmonização das bases de eixos de via CTT


Harmonization of CTT track axes bases

The Municípia's DNA is in the development of projects that lead to the creation of unique, centralized, and unambiguous geographical bases. This CTT project has been characterized by the challenge of harmonizing the different bases existing at the time and by the strategy of increasing efficiency in downstream operational processes.

Cessna 402B


Acquisition of the Cessna 402B aircraft

Flying further and further away and with greater capacity at the level of the sensors on-board led us to modify and operate a new aircraft, the Cessna 402B, with various possible combinations at the level of sensors, from cameras, LIDAR or hyper/multispectral.


LIDAR Aerial Survey over the Municipality of Oeiras

We have completed the first LIDAR aerial survey over the Municipality of Oeiras, which allowed us to obtain information never before seen on its topographic surface.

imagem de Câmara Aérefotogramétrica Digital no interior de avião


Acquisition of the Digital Aerial Photogrammetric Camera

With the evolution of technologies applied to airborne sensors, we acquired the country's first digital Aerial Photogrammetric camera - an Intergraph DMC. We made digital the whole cartographic process.

Quantum GIS


Open-source software throughout the application development chain

We invested early on in programming software parts that would free our customers from dispensable annual licensing. We teamed up, promoted open source initiatives, and went productive, providing disruptive technology-based application environments at controlled costs.


Launch of the geographic portal GeoCID Madeira

We have developed and installed a content management system, based on a WebGIS platform and with e-government components, in the Regional Government of Madeira. This project has put Madeira at the forefront of public service delivery, citizenship, and governance, in a digital environment.


Aerial Surveys for the High-Speed Network

We produced the first aerial photogrammetric survey as part of the feasibility studies for High-Speed Lines.

mapa de acionista identificados em mapa


Extension of the shareholding structure to 50% of Portuguese Municipalities

The local authorities recognized the value of the investment made in know-how and geographic information technologies in Municípia and its impact on the management of the territory in all the Portuguese Local Public Administration.


First international project: Cabo Verde

Internationalization, especially for the CPLP, has been in the company's strategy since its inception. We soon started activities outside Portuguese borders, producing in 2003 the first Digital Cartography for Cabo Verde.


Launch of the digital platform Guide of Portugal

We have now implemented a platform that brings together all the economic activity of the country and hundreds of thousands of searchable companies per place in a single digital portal, georeferenced.


The first flight of aerial photography

In 2001, not only did we become the first company to have the entire cartographic production process with you, but we also formed the first civil aerial operator!

Alvará para produção de cartografia


Obtaining a license for cartography production

We have provided ourselves with the means to obtain and maintain the cartographic production permit. As a homologated cartography is the geographical basis that supports all the planning, occupation and management processes of the territory, the land parcelling must be a crucial instrument of standardization and the number of homologated projects an indicator of excellence.

Equipa de constituição da Municípia


Constitution Date with 60 Municipalities

Municipia was born in Oeiras, the result of the vision that accurate and comprehensive knowledge of space is a basic condition for success in managing the territory.