
About the Project: Objectives: Identification and design of optimal routes Location: 3 Municipalities in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area Information: TomTom Historical Traffic Data for all roads in the Municipalities, with information on speed, time and sample broken down by hour and day of the week Socio-demographic information Points...

About the Project: Location: Municipalities of Oeiras and Amadora Quantity: 10 700 visit boxes - 520km of ducts Activities developed: Field survey - Technical registration (Location, technical, functional and conservation status); Office data processing - GIS database, Creation of a database for integration into the Customer's system.    ...

About the Project: Location: Montijo Municipality Quantity: 800km water supply network and 300km drainage network Activities developed: Technical consultancy and brief diagnosis; Data Model and Database in PostGres GIS; Connection to QGIS and interface customization; CAD data integration; Training and monitoring / consulting.      ...