05 Jan The Platform for Intelligent Territory Management!
The measures to restrict circulation in spaces and public roads implied new routines in the daily life of the population and accelerated a trend that was already being felt: digitalization.
To help residents and residents, Municipia launched Cityhub.pt: a tool that allows digital, safe and intuitive access to a wide range of geographically based solutions.
In a year marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, converting the concerns of organic units and residents into digital solutions and centralizing their territorial digital solutions in a single platform that facilitates intelligent management were the main motivations for creating this platform, which is accessible to everyone.
But after all,
What services can you find on Cityhub.pt?
- GeoPortal
- My Neighborhood
- Emission of Location Plans
- PDM query
- Work Order Management
- Municipal Operations Center COM
- Urban Management
- Green spaces
- Statistical Maps
- And much more…
In today’s society, it is the services that come to the customer.
With access to municipal services becoming increasingly digital, providing a service, such as Cityhub, which ensures simple, fast and effective processes allows not only municipalities, but also municipalities, to enjoy more and better information about their city .
What are the benefits?
As a Municipality you can:
- Provide a single point of contact for citizens and organizational units;
- Maintain contact with the citizen;
- Establish a more assertive team management;
- Benefit from using the most advanced Geographic Information Technologies to manage your territory based on space and location;
- Benefit from a platform that can be extended to other territories.
While Citizen can:
- Access services through your location;
- Have a communication tool to send your suggestions to the Municipality;
- Create your identity through login and profile;
- Avoid travel and queuing at services.
With the digital transition taking place, technological solutions are increasingly important to guarantee the provision of services to the population with better quality and speed.
We are facing a paradigm shift, where these innovative collaborative management tools are essential to manage the municipality in a safe and intelligent way.
Visit the website www.cityhub.pt and provide an intuitive and accessible experience for Everyone and for Everyone.